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Vision Board: Create Your Future

Vision Board: Create Your Own Future

What Do You See In Your Future?

Want to make a change, but don’t know what that might look like? Making a vision board to create your own future is a great place to start. What the heck IS a vision board? Think of it as a collage that helps you visualize your future.

How much ‘settling’ do you do in your life? You might settle for staying at your current job because it is secure (though you may be burnt out beyond belief and want more creativity in your life). Maybe you settle for staying in a lame relationship, or you don’t travel because you are playing it safe. One day (or maybe over the course of many) you may wake up and realize that you can do anything you want in life. Yep, its true.

What are Your Dreams Made of?

That may seem like a ‘Xanadu‘ kind of question, but if you can spend some time really opening yourself to an unlimited future, what would that look like for you? Let’s get wild–money is no object. You want to cruise the Mediterranean for six months? Bam, include it on your board. You want to taste seven kinds of ice cream everyday? Great! Really, what do you love, and what makes you happiest?

We can break this down into categories to get your noggin around it. Pick some that appeal to you:

  • Relationships
  • Money
  • Career
  • Spirituality
  • Health
  • Travel
  • Marriage
  • Parenting
  • Fitness
  • Creativity

Here is what you need:

  • Old magazines
  • A pen or marker
  • Scissors
  • Cork boards are great to use for this project, but if you don’t have one laying around or you don’t want to buy one, I’ve got a free printable template for you to use
  • Pins if you are using a cork board, glue if you are using the printable

Download the Vision Board Template

Tear Into It

Just like we did in SoulCollage, flip through magazines and find pictures that speak to you. Use your gut and don’t think about it too much- if you likey what you see, rip it out.

Sort and Trim

Sort your pictures into the categories you’ve picked for your future, and then take some scissors and trim the images to your liking.

Paste or Pin

If you are using a cork board, designate an area on the board for each of your categories and label them. Use pins to arrange your images in a way that pleases your eye in each category.

If you are using the template, you might print out two copies. Use one to glue your amazing images on, and cut the category and adjectives out on the second copy to integrate in with your images. Check out what I mean in the video:

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Use It

We are forgetful, visual beings that often get caught up in the details of ‘getting through’ each day. Vision boards help you keep your desires in sight and remind you to live accordingly.

Once you’ve created your board, use it to make progress toward each of your categories. If you are goal oriented, write out steps you will take to reach your vision for each category. If you just need a daily reminder to help you make decisions (often hard) that lead down the path toward your vision, then hang your vision board somewhere you’ll see it during the morning or daily routine.

More Food for Thought

Here is another great example of How to Create an Inspiring Online Vision Board from Design Wizard.

Vision Board

The Recap

  1. You want to make a change but don't know how to go about it. Creating a vision board is a great first step.
  2. Life is complicated, so use categories to wrap your noodle around different facets of your life.
  3. Post your vision board somewhere you will see it every day. On the fridge. On your bathroom mirror. Anywhere you can remind yourself not to lose sight of your dreams.

I'd love to see what your designs look like. Post them in the comments below!

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By |2024-12-30T17:19:45-07:00March 14th, 2017|Collage, Templates|Comments Off on Vision Board: Create Your Future

About the Author:

Teresa has designed and implemented online and print communication for businesses and nonprofits for over 15 years, developing a great reputation as a vector artist. Her diverse background includes industry and non-profit experience, software development, animal welfare, river restoration, energy efficiency, environmental consulting, and holistic healing. Each day she puts her creativity pants on, one leg at a time.
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