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How to Make a Paper Rose Like a Ninja

Ancient Sneaky Valentine Tradition... Just to keep you on your toes today, I'll be guiding you through how to make a paper rose like a ninja. You can use them to add a three dimensional aspect to a flat card to be delivered under the cover of darkness, or drop them like breadcrumbs [...]

By |2017-02-08T09:47:35-07:00February 7th, 2017|Paper Magic|Comments Off on How to Make a Paper Rose Like a Ninja

Easy Paper Lanterns

Lanterns in the Dark Today marks the shortest day in the year. That means you are probably experiencing some vitamin D deficiency, your skin may be pasty white, and you've been exposed to waaaaaay to much Bing Crosby (or maybe that's just me). Need a light in the darkness? How about some easy paper lanterns? [...]

By |2016-12-20T14:19:01-07:00December 20th, 2016|Paper Magic|Comments Off on Easy Paper Lanterns

5 Cures for the Blah-de-Blahs (OK, 6)

Regress with Me This time of year is hard for me. Even with the holidays on their way, its cold. I don't go outside as much. Its friggin dark. I shut down a little more every day. I get S.A.D. Basically, I have the Blah-de-Blahs. I write this creative journal to regress. And I think you should [...]

By |2016-12-12T15:45:03-07:00November 22nd, 2016|Paper Magic|4 Comments

Wrap it Up

Got Grinch? Got a Grinch on your list? Wait, you ARE the Grinch? Instead of dropping into your local drugstore two hours before a gift exchange to grab an on-sale roll of Garfield-with-a-Santa-hat wrapping paper that really doesn't communicate your true sentiments, why not make your own? And you can customize it with [...]

By |2019-11-05T13:35:20-07:00November 16th, 2016|Doodles, Paper Magic|2 Comments