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Plant Labels to Inspire You

Itchy Green Thumb No, I don't have a weird gross disease. Its just that the days are getting a little longer, which always fills me with the notion that spring might just become a reality, after all. I'm always jumping the gun, but I figured that making plant labels to inspire you [...]

By |2019-05-22T13:34:42-06:00March 7th, 2017|Doodles, Gardening, Labels|Comments Off on Plant Labels to Inspire You

How to Make a ‘Don’t Look’ Doodle

No Peeking Did you ever play that game where you closed your eyes and someone lead you around for a 'trust walk'? They had to make sure you didn't bump into anything or trip or fall down a manhole. Well, I've been playing this game lately with myself where you do something similar [...]

By |2017-01-11T08:30:12-07:00January 10th, 2017|Doodles|Comments Off on How to Make a ‘Don’t Look’ Doodle

Wrap it Up

Got Grinch? Got a Grinch on your list? Wait, you ARE the Grinch? Instead of dropping into your local drugstore two hours before a gift exchange to grab an on-sale roll of Garfield-with-a-Santa-hat wrapping paper that really doesn't communicate your true sentiments, why not make your own? And you can customize it with [...]

By |2019-11-05T13:35:20-07:00November 16th, 2016|Doodles, Paper Magic|2 Comments

October Recap and Holiday Wish List for Creatives

Before we dive into the recap for October, I want to share a holiday wish list for creatives with you. Yes, you are a creative. Chances are, if you are reading this, you want to be creative. That, by definition, makes you 'a creative.' And also a rock star. Why a List? I want [...]

By |2016-12-12T15:45:03-07:00October 26th, 2016|Doodles, Labels, Monthly Recap, Play with Your Food|Comments Off on October Recap and Holiday Wish List for Creatives

Decorate for Day of the Dead

Decorate for Day of the Dead Why is Halloween such a great holiday? Is it the candy? The cute kids? Scary and silly magically mixed into one dark night? I'm pretty sure this is the best holiday because it is socially acceptable to walk around town pretending to be someone completely different. $50 says [...]

By |2016-12-12T15:45:03-07:00October 19th, 2016|Doodles|2 Comments

Happy Birthday to Cultivate Creativity

It's a Big Day for Cultivate Creativity As a matter of fact, it is the first day. I'm launching Cultivate Creativity and sharing my deepest thoughts and insights with the world. So what the heck is Cultivate Creativity? Cultivate Creativity is a creative journal, wherein each week I will share one [...]

By |2016-12-12T15:45:04-07:00September 13th, 2016|Doodles|Comments Off on Happy Birthday to Cultivate Creativity