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Tired of Your Tattoo? Zing it Up With Bling

Tattoo Bling is a Thing This month's 'Interview a Creative' focuses on my niece Ana Lara-Steely, who let me know that tattoo bling is a thing. I watched Ana grow up expressing herself and observing how creativity manifests through her. She is an amazing illustrator and she has inspired me to take a fresh [...]

By |2017-03-21T10:21:08-06:00March 20th, 2017|Someone Like You|Comments Off on Tired of Your Tattoo? Zing it Up With Bling

What I Learned from Haz Said, Writer and Unicyclist

I get inspired with a little help from my friends I am always so incredibly impressed with my friends and acquaintances. I like to observe how creativity manifests through them. What I learned from Haz Said, writer and unicyclist, is inspiring. The truth is, we are all similar beings. We may [...]

By |2018-10-29T15:10:37-06:00February 21st, 2017|Someone Like You, Writing|Comments Off on What I Learned from Haz Said, Writer and Unicyclist