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Wooden Logo2016-12-12T15:45:04-07:00

Project Description

Wooden Logo

Wooden Logo

The Kampe Foundation now has a wooden logo that tells the story of their family heritage, the healthy organic nature of their work, and the grounded solidity of their family foundation.

This Latvian family funds community development, social justice, sustainable agriculture and environmental issues in the western United States. They wanted the new logo to reflect their heritage and their interest areas.

The symbol associated with this wooden logo is the Latvian symbol ‘Austras Koks’, or the Tree of Dawn, which lies on an island in the middle of the sea. It represents the world tree, or axis mundi, and many search for all their lives, but never find it.

The Kampe Foundation’s logo serves as a symbol for the connection between heaven and earth. Perhaps the work they support brings us all closer to this! The Foundation supports:

  • Healthcare and education for special populations (youth, disabled, low-income and senior citizens)
  • Christian ministry, ethics and social justice.
  • Science and engineering
  • Sustainable agriculture and environmental issues.

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