Six Reasons? You Only Need One…
It is so important to periodically reboot your brain with a creative break. Some people I know tell me they have withdrawal symptoms if they don’t get to be creative- they get moody and despondent, apathetic and depressed. Maybe that isn’t the case for you, but there are some awesome benefits and I want to provide you with six reasons you need to take a creative break.
I’ve had jobs that didn’t require me to create, and I’d have to go home and knit or garden or paint. I believe you aren’t living a full life if you aren’t expressing yourself.
Hang it Up
Download the printable and hang it up to remind yourself to let your brain out for recess. Without play, its hard to get an A+ on your math test, or whatever it is you need to focus on.
Need Creative Break Ideas?
Unblock. Instead of banging against the wall, put it down and do something completely different for 15 minutes. Especially something your inner child would like to do…
For Your Health. Letting your brain ‘play’ with a creative task can help decrease depression and improve mental health. I could include the boring citation for this, but ‘duh’, right?
Increase Productivity. Creative breaks aren’t taking time away from your work- they are making space for you to develop efficiencies in your routine and actually improve productivity.
Rest & Rejuvenate: Breaks help you retain information and ‘freshen up’ your mind. Can you picture your brain going to get a pedicure at the spa?
Prevent Boredom. A wise friend once told me ‘only boring people get bored’. Mix it up and do something that makes you feel good. Psst! This is the secret to feeling alive.
Improve Your Happiness. Breaks reduce your stress, and being less stressed leads to happiness. Remember what it feels like to be happy? Dump the guilt about taking a 15 minute break and if you have to, scheduled it. When you are happy, so are those around you!
Next Week
I don’t know about you, but I’m getting a really itchy green thumb. I’m ready to plant some seeds, but of course, I don’t want to get my broccoli mixed up with my cabbage (which I’ve been known to do!). Next week we’re making labels for our seed trays. So simple and fun, it’ll only take 15 minutes. Here’s a few options for supplies that you’ll need:
Plastic or wooden garden labels
Paint pens or fine tipped sharpie markers
Glitter pens or other sequins or bling
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