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Lavender Gardening Labels


Lavender Gardening Labels

2″ in diameter. Prints 18 per page on a 20 sticker sheet.

Both semi-circle and full circle designs provided.

SKU: Lav1 Category:


Lavender Gardening Label

Don’t mix up your lavender and your lettuce seedlings (how embarrassing would that be?). Label your plant starts or garden rows.

Each sticker has white space so you can label with the date of planting.

This is an image file: A printable .pdf sheet prints eighteen (18) stickers on a 20 sticker sheet. Each sticker has a 2″ diameter.  10 whole sticker, 8 foldable half circle stickers.

Easy application:

  1. Purchase and download the image file,
  2. Print them on a blank label sheet like this one, and
  3. Place them in the pot or as a row identifier for your plant flats or in your garden space.

Find license information here


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